Friday, October 10, 2008

Cute Caleb

Yesterday Sarah watched you and Addie for a little bit, today she wrote me this email telling me some of the cute things you said:

I keep thinking of cute things Caleb said. Like we were talking about bears that sleep in caves (like his little set-up in the corner of the basement), and I was telling him how bears hibernate and sleep all winter. Caleb thought for a minute, and then said, "You mean they miss Christmas?!" It was so cute. :)
Also we were talking about Alaska, and I said it was really far away. he said how far? I said, well, it took my mom and sister 6 days to drive there. He said, "6 days...well that's not long. See, let me show you. One two three four five six...See--I told you it wasn't long." So cute! :)

You say really wonderful, cute things like this all the time, but I always forget. But I do laugh in the moment:)

--Today Georgia asked if we were naming the baby Leah. She said that you told her- "we're totally having a girl and her name is Leah." You must have overheard Daddy and I talking about names months ago and remembered Leah (it was actually Aleah, but you were in the way back of the car and it's hard to hear back there).
--One Monday when I picked you up from preschool, all of the working moms started laughing when they saw me and said that you were so funny. While you were the helper, Mrs. Guelli asked if you had a joke and you sang "Bom booka bom bom" and danced like a crazy kid.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

God's everywhere at ONE TIME

Tonight after you'd been in bed for quite some time you came runny downstairs and said "I just have to tell you 1 thing. God is everywhere at ONE TIME!" You were so excited about this idea. You told me that you had that thought while you were laying in your bed and you felt it in your belly. A little interesting, about the belly bit. But I'm so happy that the Spirit of the Lord ministers to you and you hear the Lord.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lovely Mommy

You're my little helper around the house. You're really good at jobs and you love to help. Tonight you were setting the table while I made dinner and I asked you get the soy sauce out of the fridge. Your response, in a song: "Sure Lovely Mommy." So sweet.

The other night when I was all dressed up to go to a wedding, you told me I looked beautiful.
You are a great encourager.

Another funny thing: CHUP starts next week, We had talked about Nathan being in the 4s with you, but he really wants to be in Mrs. Hadley's class with Sophie. You're a little bummed. All last year you wanted him to go to preschool with you. So you've been trying to wear him down, randomly throughout the day I hear, "Nathan, will you be in my class, please." It's really cute. You guys love each other so much. You play so well together, you also can get your super silly on with eachother:)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Today you and Daddy were having one of your famous conversations. Daddy said when you die where are you going to go. You lifted your hand and your face right up. You didn't need to say a thing. Very cool picture of you being excited to go to heaven.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Duck Bumps

Tonight you informed Daddy that you get goose bumps when you are cold and duck bumps when you are hot.........another fun Calebism.

Smart Boy

Dinner time is a little wild around here. You and Nathan love eachother so much and really enjoy being silly together. You make each other laugh and make crazy noises. Tonight I was a little frustrated about all of it.....after having a couple of talks with you about it and telling you that we want to talk to each other and not just be out of the blue said "so today was a nice day, wasn't it?" You made me smile. Thanks for trying to stimulate good table conversation.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Camping trip

We just got home from our camping trip. You had so much fun and were so excited about everything. A few highlights: You are learning how to swim! You practiced a lot in the lake and are quite the little fish. You loved our campfires. You helped me buy and carry the firewood, gathered kindling, and fan the flames! You made friends with the kids at the next site. You're so friendly and such a people magnet. You really enjoyed playing with them. Another highlight was learning to play frisbee with Daddy. You did a great job, Daddy was playing hard core with you. He was so impressed with your catching skills that he threw it a bit too hard and hit your face a couple of times:( You're such a trooper and got right back to playing.

Funny thing: you called Daddy "Play" when you were playing frisbee and asked him to call you "Catch."

Sunday, July 27, 2008

You had so much fun at the Sprinkler park. You look sad in the picture with Daddy because you're recovering from some truamtic wasp stings. Yup, that guy got you two times. One on your eye and one on your hand. Poor baby. You bounced back well. You even made a friend out of the incident. One little boy saw it happen and brought you a juice box to make you feel better. You're so sweet that you gave him a granola bar to say thanks. You make little friends every where you go.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Brother, Spiderman

Every night at dinner we read Bible verse, sing a song, and pray for specific people. Tonight we were praying for friends. While Caleb was praying he said. I pray for Batman, and even Spiderman, my brother. It was real cute.
Later he decided to make a song about going to heaven. Here it is:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Daddy, you watch Nathan and Addie

Today while I was at a baby shower adn Michael was watching the kids, Caleb packed up a rubbermaid with "camping gear" and asked Michael to pitch the tent in the backyard. Michael said he couldn't today. Caleb then responded with "Daddy, you watch Nathan and Addie while I set up the tent." Michael laughed and said "Caleb, you're funny." Caleb responded with a completely straight face, "I'm not joking, I'm serious."